Have you ever thought about how much God really loves us? Oh, most of us can quote John 3:16! And that’s a wonderful verse! But I am talking about, on a daily basis, when God shows us His love in specific ways! Several years ago, when we were living in Michigan, I had one of those experiences. First of all, Michigan is a very long way from Texas and our family! And it’s very cold! We were in the middle of moving from a rent house to our new house. Our washer and dryer weren’t working yet so I had to use the laundromat. I left my clothes in the dryer and went down the street to grab lunch. I was feeling pretty sorry for myself! Lots of tears in my burrito! About that time I looked up and saw what looked like a youth group at another table. There was a teenage girl with Romans 8:31 printed on the back of her hoodie. You know the verse that says that nothing can separate us from His love! I remember thinking that of all the things she could have worn on that day. There’s not a doubt in my mind that God had her choose that sweatshirt so He could send me a message that absolutely NOTHING can separate us from His love!