Team Leader: Mark & Cheryl Cain

Team Members: Axel & Hannah Gudino, Bill & Janette Maxwell, Roy & Tamara Sanderson, Kevin & Eunice Tyler, Mark Cain, Richard White

Donations Team is like the Swiss Army Knife of our Impact Teams, because we can use this team to resource and supply our other Impact Teams and to meet other needs in our community. We’ve used this team to send school supplies, hygiene items, food, and care packages to our community partners and ministry partners in our community since the team launched. The 1st Sunday of every month is “Donations Sunday” at Capitol Hill. This is the day we receive the items requested for that month’s project. If you like to serve behind the scenes, this would be a great team for you! Receiving, sorting, and counting items is an easy job that anyone can do, and it helps us continue to support our ministry partners in the area! Consider signing up for Donations Team today!

Team Leaders: Mark & Cheryl Cain

We have a healthy population of senior adults at Capitol Hill Assembly, and we are committed to making sure they feel valued, included, and loved. The Senior Services Impact Team is designed to help the seniors in our church body remain as independent as possible for as long as possible. That’s why we’ve launched services like complimentary valet parking so that seniors who might otherwise miss service due to the stress of parking their vehicle and getting inside the building can still join us! Senior Services hopes to expand its impact to reach the senior adults outside of our church as well, but that all depends on the number of willing and able people who step up to help! Join our Senior Services Team today!

Team Leaders: Mark & Cheryl Cain

FosterCare is a donation-based ministry for foster children and families. If you would like to know more or be a part of the FosterCare group, contact the Church office at (405) 682-4685.