The Power of Holding Steady
So many times in our Christian walk we feel like we need to be moving forward! And, most of the time, I believe that is true!
But there comes a time when the best thing we can do is just “hold steady.” Don’t move to the left and don’t move to the right!
This was really made clear to me not too long ago. We were at the “Texas Play” in Amarillo, Texas. We had watched the first half of the play and at intermission, Eddy left to go to the restroom and I told him I would just wait at our seats until he came back.
What started out as a light drizzle, quickly became a huge downpour. It was so bad they ended up cancelling the second half of the play. Well, I wasn’t about to sit there in the drenching rain, so I moved to the back of the amphitheater, and I waited… and I waited…
So many times I thought maybe I should go and look for him, but I kept feeling, just to wait and eventually he would find me in that huge crowd of people. And that’s what happened!
But human nature makes us feel like we just have to do something! To be really productive.
e, shouldn’t we be moving? Not always! Sometimes the best thing we can do is simply wait! Wait until we hear that still, small voice inside us that tells us when it’s time to move forward!
Psalm 130:5 says, “Wait for the Lord, my soul does wait, and in his word do I hope.”
I don’t know where you are or what is going on in your life today, but could this be a time to just “hold steady and wait?”
Sometimes, that’s exactly what God wants us to do! He will tell us when it is time to move forward!