The Difference in “Can” and “May

There is actually a big difference in these two words. Sometimes we use them interchangeably, but they actually have very different meanings.

I am not trying to teach a lesson in English, but I think there are some spiritual truths that will help us if we understand the difference in these two words.

I think it is safe to say, that we as believers face some kind of temptation every day. And it’s not always big sins, but sometimes the smaller ones that trip us up.

There are things that tempt us to do something that we know is not pleasing to God. Maybe it’s a sin where we are tempted to say something unkind to someone or about someone.

Then there’s that sin that probably gets us more than any other – the sin of thoughts and attitudes. No matter how hard we try, sometimes we are tempted to be negative or ungrateful.

And that’s where these two important words come in. “Can” means you are able to do something. “May” means you have permission to do something.

When the enemy comes to us with a wrong thought, word, or action, that is the opportunity we have to say, “No, you are not able to tempt me with that because I will not give you the permission to do so.”

James 4:7 says, “Resist (oppose or withstand) the devil and he will flee from you.” That is a powerful verse. The next time the enemy is tempting you, remember, if we don’t give him permission, he will not be able to succeed.

The word flee in the dictionary means to take flight. Think about that! We are actually able to put him on the run! God has equipped us to be victorious in every situation!

Dustin Jett