Things That Make a Difference
A while back, I was invited to speak to a group of young mothers in Texas. It was a small group that met in my daughter’s home.
I was so excited to be able to share some of the things I felt I had learned as a mom who raised four children.
To go along with what I was going to share, I wanted to give them a bookmark that they could keep and refer back to. On the bookmark, I highlighted some of the things I would be sharing that day.
I thought I had this great idea, but the problem was that I know nothing about how to make this happen. But I have a friend – Nancy! She took my idea and made this incredible bookmark.
Now fast forward. Eddy and I attended a conference last week and a beautiful young woman came up and reintroduced herself. She said she had attended that meeting and still had the bookmark!
Here’s my takeaway. I had an idea, but I needed someone to make it happen. That was Nancy! And now a young mother is still being blessed by it! That’s how God works! We work together and see results!
It’s not always “huge things” but sometimes smaller things that can make a difference in someone’s life!!