Psalm 140:6-8
“O Jehovah, my Lord and Savior, my God and my shield—hear me as I pray!”
These few words are so powerful! Jehovah is the name of God in the Old Testament. He is our Lord and Master.
He is our Savior—the One who rescues us!
And He is our shield—the One who protects us!
What if we began every prayer like this? Instead of beginning with our requests, what if we began by declaring who God is to us?
And after having done all this, we can say, “hear me as I pray!” I believe the psalmist had it right!
The reality is that God already knows who He is to us. But I believe He loves to hear His children say it back to Him! And after that we can present our requests, and know that He really does hear us when we pray!