Honored to Serve
Like many of you, when we see someone who serves in our military, we express our gratitude and say, “Thank you for your service.”
Recently, I saw an interview on TV and the interviewer responded in the same way. I thought it was interesting when the man serving in the military responded back, “I’m honored to serve.”
His response made me stop and think. We as believers serve every day in God’s army. Many of us who grew up in the church would sing, “I’m in the Lord’s army” on Sunday mornings in children’s church.
But have you ever stopped to think how honored we are to serve in God’s army? We are in a battle every day. As believers, we are fighting against sin and darkness. We want to share God’s love with those around us. We want to see lives changed and people accept Jesus as their Savior. We want to make an impact on the Kingdom of God.
And yes, we are honored to serve!