The Men in My Life

I recently wrote about some of the wonderful women God placed in my life, so here is equal time for the men! And again, many of you reading this have impacted my life but for the sake of time and space, I have limited it to just a few.

My dad was such a strong Christian, but I don’t think I realized until after he was gone what a man of God’s Word he really was. All the Bibles he marked and verses he wrote down and committed to memory! I want to follow in your footsteps!

My son, Scotty, what a worshipper you are! I remember in our church in Grapevine a lady said, “Scotty worships and invites you to come with him!” I am so proud that you are again leading people into the Presence of God.

William, our first son-in-law, how you make me laugh! I remember when you first came into our lives. And, I stand back amazed at how you have grown in your spiritual walk. You have become such a godly husband and father. So proud of you!

And TC (Major Cook), our second son-in-law, what a blessing you are! I love how you love God, your family and your country! It’s a comfort to know there are men like you leading our military. I pray God continues to keep you a protect you and use you!

And our third son-in law, Pastor Joe. I am so proud of all you are doing as a youth pastor! I am thankful that God brought you into our lives and love hearing how God is using you week after week to reach this generation. Can’t wait to see all that God has in your future!

And Morgan our grandson, what a mighty anointing God has already placed on your life! With a heart like David you will slay many giants. It’s going to be good!

Cason (5) and Travis (4), such a joy! I have already heard you pray. You are going to do great things for the Kingdom. Watch out world!

And last but not least, Eddy Brewer. If I could say one word that would describe you, it would be “Integrity.” You have given your life to God’s work. You have poured your time, energy and love into your family, the church and the work of the Kingdom. Thank you!

I love you all and am just so proud of each of you!

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