Abundant Redemption

I have become a “thrifter”. In case you don’t know what that is, let me explain. It’s where you go to a resale store and bring home a treasure. Now I have always loved to shop, but there’s something kind of exciting about getting something for practically nothing. Even, though you have to remember that this is something that someone else got rid of because they no longer wanted it.

So there it was! A cute dress, with a tiny tear. But I can sew, right? And I did. The problem is I could still kind of see it. And I could point it out to you. But most people would never notice it.

And that got me thinking. It’s kind of like our sin. I know what I have done. But when we come to Jesus and ask for forgiveness, God doesn’t see our sin because of what Jesus did on the cross. Psalm 130:7 says that with God there is abundant redemption. Think about that! We are not just forgiven but abundantly forgiven AND redeemed. What an amazing thought that is!

What an awesome God we serve! He is a God who chooses to not remember our sins anymore! He sees us as “sin free”. And because of that, we can live “guilt free!

Dustin Jett