
Recently, I was doing chores, which includes ironing. I know it sounds crazy, but I am one of those people who actually likes to iron. I know. It totally doesn’t make sense but there’s just something about seeing those wrinkles come out that gives me such a feeling of satisfaction. It’s one of those “chores” that you can actually see immediately what you have done. So it makes you feel like you have accomplished something. Except for the other day…

So I am just doing my ironing thing. I filled the iron with water, just like usual, but I realized there’s no steam coming out. So I fill it again. At this point, I realized there is plenty of water so “what’s the problem?” And then, I noticed that somehow I had switched the steam adjustment to off. As soon as I realized it, I turned it back on and it was working again.

How much is this story like our Christian life? Sometimes we get to the place where a bad attitude or sin creeps in and we don’t know why we are having trouble moving forward. The simple fact is that we just need an “attitude adjustment”. I think that’s maybe what David was feeling when he said “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10 He didn’t want anything to hinder his relationship with God. Neither do we. We are His children and we want our hearts to be pure and holy. So every day, I’m going to try and remember to check that adjustment!

Dustin Jett