How Important is Our Praise?
Think about that for a minute. Every church service begins with a time of praise and worship.
Praise prepares our hearts to receive God’s Word. But is it really that important to God?
Psalm 150 is the last Psalm in the Book of Psalms. It has only six verses. The first five verses begin with the word “praise.” The very last verse says, “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!”
One of my very favorite songs says:
Praise the Lord. He can work through those who praise Him.
Praise the Lord. For our God inhabits praise.
Praise the Lord. For the chains that seem to bind you will fall
Powerless behind you when you praise Him.
It seems like our praise is really important to God. He goes to work when we praise Him. He inhabits or “lives” in our praise. And those things that are holding us back become powerless when we praise Him. That’s proof enough for me!
And who needs to praise Him? Everything that has breath! Are you breathing? Then give Him praise! Give Him your best praise! He is worthy of our praise!