Corrie ten Boom

In my opinion, Corrie ten Boom is one of the great “heroes of our faith.” She, her dad, and her sister, Betsie, hid Jews in their home during World War II. Before the war was over, they were discovered and sent to a Nazi prison camp. But their story is truly amazing.

Several years ago, we were blessed to visit their home in Holland where they lived and hid many of the Jewish people. Since you may not get to visit yourself, let me give you a virtual tour.

Their business, a clock shop, was on the first floor. The second floor was where they lived, and the “hiding place” was actually in a small closet in a bedroom. It was so small that people would have to stand should to shoulder. It’s hard to explain, but you could feel the presence and peace of God as you walked through that building.

So what was the secret to this amazing family? When you exited the building, you could pick up a bookmark to take with you as a souvenir. I found mine again recently and it says, “The greater your plight, the nearer God is and the mightier HIS AID.”

That’s it! This family knew that whatever they were facing, their God was near and mighty. That’s just as true today as it was then.

2 Corinthians 1:5 says, “For just as the sufferings of Christ are ours in abundance, so also our comfort is abundant through Christ.”

Dustin Jett