What Are You Talking About?
Have you ever been in a conversation and you just really wanted to say something, but you felt that check in your spirit, that still small voice that is saying, “Why don’t you just not say that?”
That happened to me recently. And I’m not always obedient, but this time I was. In thinking back about the situation, I have come to this conclusion: I need to consider two things in my conversations. First, does what I am saying edify or build up the person to whom I am talking? If my conversation doesn’t build up, or increase, or strengthen someone, then I probably don’t even need to say it.
The second thing is, can I really change the situation by talking about it? We can talk and discuss, but will that really change anything? Maybe the best thing I can do is to make the decision to pray about it.
There’s an old hymn that says…
Oh, what peace we often forfeit,
O, what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer!
That’s the answer! Taking everything to God in prayer!