Do Ingredients Really Matter?
Recently we had our Dessert Auction at church to raise money for missions. It’s always a great event! Good food, fellowship, and the opportunity to bid on your favorite dessert.
Of course I am going to participate and decided to make chocolate chip cookies. I have made them hundreds of times, but this particular day I was in a hurry and I was trying to make them early before I had to leave for an appointment.
So, I mixed them up and put them in the oven. The problem was they took longer to cook than usual. The tops were not getting done but the bottoms were beginning to burn. And then I discovered my mistake. I had left out two key ingredients.
I thought about this as a spiritual application. There are three ingredients that make up the time I spend with the Lord. Reading God’s Word, praying, and reading a devotional book.
Nothing is more important than reading and studying God’s Word. It is the roadmap for our lives. Prayer is our communication with thanking Him and presenting our needs to Him. A good devotional book is helpful in understanding God’s Word better. All three are vitally important in my walk with the Lord.
So do ingredients really matter? You bet they do! It might not seem like a “big deal” but don’t try leaving anything out! It really makes a difference!