Speak the Name of Jesus

More and more I am realizing that we live in a world full of hurting, broken people. As a pastor’s wife, I have the opportunity to hear from so many people who are suffering from hurts from the past as well as the present.

Sometimes it helps to have someone to talk with about these hurts. But the really hard part is when you feel like no one understands the pain you are going through.

If that is you, I want to encourage you to speak the name of Jesus!

There’s an old song that says, “Are you weary, are you brokenhearted? Tell it to Jesus!” There’s a lot of truth in that song. No one understands us like Jesus does.

There’s something that happens when we speak the Name of Jesus! I don’t think you can explain it, but there’s a calmness, a peace, and awareness of His presence when we speak His Name.

If you are in a crisis, a storm, a trial, I encourage you to speak the name of JESUS! He loves you, He cares, and He is right there with you! Just speak His name.

Dustin Jett