Don’t You Ever Give Up!

Have you ever just wanted to “give up”? I would guess we have all felt that at some point in our lives!

Before writing this, I looked back at a video I have on my phone. It is our youngest daughter Tiffany, performing a “spoken word” at the church where she and her husband are the youth pastors. Tiffany was involved in the Fine Arts program at our church when she was a teenager. I always loved watching her but I don’t think I ever loved anything she did more than this one.

It was on an Easter Sunday. Of course she spoke of the Resurrection and how you can’t have a Resurrection without a death.

Then she also said, “God is always restoring, renewing, and able to take what was meant for evil and turn it into good.”

I love all of that, but the part I love the most is this: “He never gave up on His plan, and HE NEVER GAVE UP ON US!”

So, don’t you even think about giving up! If the God of the universe has not given up on us, then we can’t either!

Dustin Jett