What Does God Want From Us?
In Micah 6:8 it says, “What does the Lord require of you?” And then the question is answered, “To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
This sounds so simple doesn’t it? We can make things so difficult, but this is what God really wants from us.
He wants us to act justly, or to be “fair-minded” to those around us. He wants us to show mercy or compassionate lenience to those who might have wronged us.
And, most of all, He wants us to walk humbly with Him. In other words, to walk step-by-step in meekness.
What if we all began to put these three things into practice in our everyday lives? Think of the difference it would make!
We would be fair-minded, full of compassion and walking as close to Jesus as we can. It could be “life changing” for us, our families, even our world!