Remembering What God Has Done For Me
Micah is a small book in the Old Testament. If you aren’t careful, you could overlook it. It’s close to the end of the Old Testament and it only has seven chapters. But those seven chapters have some powerful words.
In chapter 6, verses 4 and 5, God is reminding the children of Israel of all that He has done for them. He reminds them of how He sent Moses to lead them out of slavery in the land of Egypt.
And then, God says, (speaking through Micah, the prophet), “Keep all God’s salvation stories fresh and present.” Micah 6:5 (The Message)
That’s such a powerful word! Are we keeping the stories and all the times God has answered our prayers fresh and present in our hearts and minds? Such an interesting choice of words. Present means current and fresh means not faded, worn, or stale.
As I am writing this, my prayer is, “Lord, help me to keep your blessings and the answers to my prayers fresh and present in my heart and mind. Remind me, and never let me forget all the ways you have blessed me. May I never forget your faithfulness! In Jesus’s name, amen.”