His Word is Settled in Heaven; His Faithfulness Continues to All Generations

Forever, O Lord,

Your Word is settled in heaven.

Your faithfulness continues throughout all generations;

You established the earth and it stands.

Psalm 119:89-90

What a wonderful promise that isto know God’s Word is settled. That means it is permanent and unchanging. In a world that is constantly changing, I am so glad God and His Word remain the same.

Then to also know that God’s faithfulness was there for my grandparents, and my parents, but it didn’t stop there. He has been faithful to me, and to my children, and their children and it will continue. It is amazing to think back and see the goodness of God that I have experienced and then to see His blessings on my children and their children.

And then to think that God created and established the earth. And it is still standing!

When you stop and read these two verses, and you think of the goodness and faithfulness of God, it would be easy to become overwhelmed. But all God really wants from us, is that we love Him and serve Him with all of our hearts!

Dustin Jett