In Word or Deed

Have you ever had a down day? Honestly, most of my days are great. But I remember a Sunday recently that just seemed like a “down day.”

Some people were sick, some were out of town, and sometimes that can just have an effect on how you feel on a Sunday, especially as a pastor’s wife.

But during praise and worship, I looked at the choir and there was a choir member with the biggest smile on his face. He didn’t care if anyone else was in the building because he had come to worship Jesus! That was a good lesson for me. But there is something else we can learn from this as well.

In Colossians 3:17 it says, “And whatever you do (no matter what it is) in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus…”

Now, we know our words are important. And our actions are important. But maybe, sometimes, just a joyful smile on our faces can be a blessing to someone else!

I don’t know about you, but I want to be a blessing, whether it’s something I say or do, or maybe just giving a smile to someone who needs to see it on a “down day!”

Dustin Jett