Time With the Father
In Isaiah 43:26 (Amp) it says, “Remind Me [of your merits with a thorough report], let us plead and argue our case together.”
Now, why would God ever have to be reminded of something? Has He somehow become forgetful? Absolutely not! In verse 25, it says that God will not remember our sins. That means He has chosen NOT to remember our sins.
And I love how God says to remind Him of our merits. Merits are our commendable qualities. And then He says, let us plead and argue together. Could it be that God, the Creator of the Universe, the One who holds the World in His hands, desires a conversation with us? I think so!
I honestly love that we can text, FaceTime, talk on the phone with friends and family, but there is nothing like a “sit down” conversation with someone. It’s those “one-on-one” times, where we can hear the heart of the person sitting across from us that is so special. It’s in moments like these that we really get to know them.
And it’s in these moments that we can get to know the heart of the Father. He desires those times where we can share our needs with Him and He can share His heart with us. Spend some time with the Father today!