Opening the Jar
Recently I was in the kitchen trying to open a jar. You know how it is when you open a jar of pickles or something else for the first time? Sometimes it is just stuck.
So my remedy for this is to turn it upside down and tap it gently on the floor and then try again. If that doesn’t work, tap a little harder until it finally opens up.
My point is this: sometimes I think that’s the way God has to deal with us. Just as there is good stuff in that jar, there is good stuff inside of us. But God sometimes has to deal with us. He has to “nudge” us to get us to open up to Him.
Now, obviously that jar has no feelings, but if it did, being hit on the head on the floor would not feel good. And likewise, when God is working on us and “molding us into the image of His Son” it is not always comfortable. (Romans 8:29)
Romans 8:18 tells us “that the suffering of this present time are not worth being compared with the glory that is about to be revealed to us and in us.”
Let’s be open to all that God has for us, realizing that His glory far surpasses any trials and inconveniences we may have to endure.