Psalm 119 is a great chapter! All 176 verses! There are so many wonderful verses in this chapter! But I keep going back to verse 165 that says, “Great peace have they who love Your law, nothing shall offend them or make them stumble.”
Honestly, it is so easy to become offended! I can be offended at the guy who cuts in front of me in traffic, without even a signal that he would like to change lanes!
And have you ever been offended by what someone said, or you thought they said?
If we are honest, I think we all have! But here is the truth of the matter. Our real enemy is not another driver or even another person.
John 10:10 says, “The thief (enemy) comes to steal, kill, and destroy.”
The enemy wants to steal our peace and joy. But we don’t have to let that happen. We can choose to forgive the other driver (who hasn’t thought any more about you and probably has reached their destination). And we can forgive the person we thought meant something but probably didn’t. Either way, we need to forgive!
Let’s do it! Let’s not allow the enemy to rob us! Let’s choose to live unoffended! Let’s choose to live in peace with joy!