One of my favorite stories in the Old Testament is the story of Moses leading the children of Israel out of Egypt. What an amazing story of God’s deliverance.

But before any of that happened, Moses had a lot of questions for God. Moses asked God, “Who should I say is sending me to the Pharaoh?” And God said, “Tell them, I AM is sending you.”

And this is what I love so much about that statement. We know God has always been and will always be, but what about right now?

Think about your life. God has always been with you and provided for your needs. You know He will always take care of you in the future. But it’s those times when we are right in the heat of the battle that we need to know God is there.

I am so thankful that no matter what, He is with me. He is the God of the past. He is the God of the future. But He is also the God of the “here and now.” He is the ever-present, never-failing I AM God!

Dustin Jett