The Blessing

One of my favorite songs of all time is a song called “The Blessing.” The words are so powerful. I love the part that says:

“May His favor be upon you

And a thousand generations

And your family and your children

And their children, and their children.”

For me, it is such a blessing to know that my children and their children will be blessed. But it is also a reminder of the generations before me. I had a mom and dad who taught me about God and His love for me. But I also had grandparents that set an example of what it meant to serve God. I will be forever grateful to those who have gone before me!

You may not have had that in your family. But you can be the generation to change all that, so your children and their children can be blessedto a thousand generations! Let it start today with you. Our world desperately needs to see our faith lived out in a positive way. I can’t think of a better way to show the world than through our families living and serving God.

If you have children who are not serving God, don’t give up! The seeds you planted are still in their hearts! God is not finished doing His work in their lives! He is faithful! So take heart and trust Him!

Dustin Jett