I Can, I Will, I Do Believe

As followers of Jesus, there are times in our lives when we encounter doubts in our faith. Sometimes doubts come at us unexpectedly, seemingly out of nowhere.

At times we may question why our prayers have not been answered or even the very existence of God. It’s in those moments that we have a decision to make. Will we trust God or not?

I was reminded again of a conversation I had with my granddaughter several years ago. We were sitting and talking about, “How do we really know if God exists? How do we believe in someone whom we have never seen?”

We looked out the window and I said to her, “Bailey, do you see that tree? It’s moving, but what is making the tree move?” She replied, “The wind.” And even though we can’t see the wind, we can feel it and see what it does. That was enough for her little girl’s heart. Today she is an amazing teenager who doesn’t hesitate to share her faith.

In James chapter 1, it talks about how important it is to have unwavering faith. Sometimes we have to stand firm and make the decision to say, “I can, I will, I do believe!”

Dustin Jett