There’s a Whole Lot of People Going Home (That’s actually the title of a song!)

It seems like lately there have been so many saints who have left this earth for heaven. Some of them older, but some of them were not. Sometimes we have questions and it’s so hard to understand the absence of our loved ones. I certainly don’t have all the answers.

But have you ever thought of what happens when we depart this life for the next? We all have our ideas of what heaven will be like, but what happens immediately after we take our last breath?

I have never thought a whole lot about that, but several years ago, our former District Superintendent, Frank Cargill, conducted a service honoring pastors and their wives who had passed away that year.

He had us all stand and clap our hands. And then he said, “That is what these ministers heard as soon as they passed into heaven.”

Although none of us know for sure what it will be like in that moment, I felt as close to heaven as I have ever felt. It’s more than walking on streets of gold. It’s being in the presence of Jesus and with our friends and family for eternity!

Dustin Jett