He Really Does “Get Us”

There’s a new ad campaign that is popping up all over the media. It says, “He gets us.” The whole theme of the campaign is to let the world know that Jesus loves us and understands us.

I read this in one of my devotions: “Jesus set His glory aside so He could identify with mankind.” During the Christmas season we are all reminded again that Jesus set aside all the glory of Heaven to come into our world to be our Savior. That is the greatest truth we could ever know. And if it stopped there, it would be enough.

But it didn’t stop there. He came to die for us, but He also came so He could identify with us. He knows what we think and how we feel. He knows the things we struggle with, and He understands our insecurities.

It’s hard to believe that the Son of God would care enough to actually identify with us. And yet He does. He loves us! He understands us! And yes, He really does “get us!”

Dustin Jett