When your soul is troubled, is there anything more comforting than reading the Psalms? My Bible reading plan this year includes a chapter in Psalms every day. And over and over, it encourages me!
I love Psalm 61:2-4. “When my heart is faint and overwhelmed, lead me to the mighty, towering Rock of safety. For you are my refuge, a high tower where my enemies can never reach me. I shall live forever in your tabernacle; oh, to be safe beneath the shelter of your wings.”
The comfort and peace that God brings us through His Word! It doesn’t matter what may be going on in the world around us. There may be war and strife. There may be battles that we fight on a personal level. We can feel faint and overwhelmed.
But we can be confident that God is our Rock, our Refuge, our High Tower!
Let’s make up our minds to live in His tabernacle, safe in the shelter of His wings.
And how do we do that? By spending time in His presence daily. We study His Word and spend time in prayer. That’s how we stay beneath the shelter of His wings!