Unfailing Love

Have you ever wondered if God’s love for you will run out? Have you ever thought that maybe you have just messed up too many times and He is just through with you? Will He ever say, “That’s enough! I’m done with you!”?

If you have ever wondered that, I have good news for you! Isaiah 54:10 says, “Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet God’s unfailing love for you will not be shaken.”

In other words, it could say, “…in spite of everything, God’s unfailing love for you will not be shaken,” or “…no matter what happens, God’s love for you will remain the same.”

The God’s next time the enemy comes against you and makes you feel that God’s love for you has run out, you can rest in the assurance that God’s love for you will never be shaken.

We may make mistakes, but when we come to Him and ask forgiveness, we can be assured that His love for us is everlasting! That’s the security we have as believers!

Dustin Jett