Bold as a Lion

The world we are living in today is filled with chaos and fear. It seems there is trouble everywhere we look. And even though we as believers know where our hope comes from, still there are so many people whose hearts are filled with fear.

I love Proverbs 28:1 that says, “The righteous are bold as a lion.” The dictionary describes a lion as a “ferocious cat.” The lion has also been called “The King of the Jungle.”

As believers, we are made righteous because of what Jesus did for us on the cross. And if that is true, then maybe it’s time we take a stand and stop being fearful. We don’t need to live in fear because the God we serve is greater than anything we could ever face. He has everything under control.

Years ago, we sang a song that said, “He’s got the whole world in His Hands.” (I read that it was first published in 1927!) The reality is that He’s had the whole world in His hands long before that! And if we truly believe that (and He does), then why should we ever be fearful?

The next time you feel yourself becoming anxious or fearful, choose to be courageous! Be daring! Be brave! Be bold as a lion! You have nothing to fear! Your God is for you!

Dustin Jett