Healed to Serve
The story of Simon Peter’s mother-in-law being healed is in Luke 4:38-39. Her name is never mentioned and there are only these two verses about her.
“And standing over her, he rebuked the fever, and it left her; and she immediately arose and began to wait on them.” Luke 4:39
Obviously, the most important part of this verse is that Jesus healed her. But there’s also something else I noticed in this verse.
After her healing, she immediately rose and began to serve them! She had been through a great physical battle. She could have used that as an excuse to take some time off. But she didn’t! She started serving!
I want to be like this “unnamed” woman of God! When God answers a prayer, and we begin to serve, that’s a testimony to God’s power in our lives! When He performs a miracle, there’s nothing better that we can do than to serve others.