God Has a Plan for Sinners
In Luke 5:8 Simon Peter says, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord!”
How many times have we felt just like Peter? We think we are doing our best but we still come up short. We may have failed. As much as we want to please God, we just don’t quite make it. In the words of Peter, “we are sinners.”
But Jesus said to Peter, “Do not fear, from now on you will be catching men.” Jesus wasn’t about to give up on Peter. He had great plans for him.
Peter didn’t know it at the time but he would eventually preach one of the greatest sermons ever preached. On the Day of Pentecost, there were about 3,000 souls added to the Kingdom. (Acts 2:41)
What does that mean to you and me? Have we failed and made mistakes? Absolutely! Does that mean God has given up on us and that He can’t use us? Absolutely not!
The same God who had a plan for Peter has a plan for us as well! And the greatest plan God has for all of us is that we reach the lost with the Good News of the Gospel! I’m so glad God has a plan for sinners!