God’s Got This
There are so many things we can find to worry about in life. Sometimes it might be important things like decisions concerning your future. Other times we may stress over insignificant things like where to go for dinner. So many times we find ourselves worrying about things that just don’t matter.
I remember one of those days recently. I have never heard an audible voice from God but I know for sure when He is speaking to my heart. On this particular day, I remember God saying something like this. “Since I created the whole world, don’t you think I have got this all figured out?”
Wow! And you know what? He really does! We can spend so much time worrying and wondering about the “what ifs” in life, we can lose sight of just how great our God really is and that He doesn’t need our help to run the universe!
The next time I get worked up over something I can’t really do anything about, I think I will leave it in God’s hands, knowing that He is totally capable! After all, He created the sun and moon, and flung the stars into space. I’m pretty sure He can handle any problem that you and I might encounter!