The Healing of the Blind Man
In Mark chapter 10 verses 46-52, we read the story of the healing of Bartimaeus. I have read this story many times. But in reading it again recently, I noticed something in the story that I don’t remember reading before.
Bartimaeus had cried out to Jesus. And Jesus said, “Bring him here.” In verse 50, it says that Bartimaeus cast aside his cloak, jumped up and came to Jesus.
Now, I understand why he would jump up and run to Jesus, but why would he take the time to take off his coat?
It doesn’t really say why, but this is what I think. I wonder how long he had been sitting there, wearing the same coat day after day, living discouraged and in defeat?
But then Jesus called him! I think at that point he was ready to get rid of anything that could hold him back and keep him defeated! He threw off the coat he had been wearing. When he ran to Jesus, he ran in faith believing. Jesus said to him, “Your faith has made you well.” (verse 52)
This can be a lesson for all of us. If we have been overcome by doubt and defeat, let’s throw off that coat and run to Jesus! Let’s live in faith, believing that he will restore and heal us. Today is the day! Get rid of that coat!