From Generation to Generation

I am a big believer in generational blessing. I believe when we are faithful, God will extend His blessings from one generation to another.

Luke 1:50 says, “And His mercy is upon generation after generation toward those who fear Him.”

What exactly does this verse mean?

One definition of mercy is “compassionate leniency toward a wrongdoer.” As believers, we do our best to follow God, but there are times when we mess up and desperately need God’s mercy.

And His mercy is exactly what He gives those of us who fear Him, reverence Him, and do our best to follow Him, generation after generation.

For some of us, we may not have had generations behind us to learn from and lean on, but that’s okay! We have the opportunity to be the first generation in our family to follow God and receive His incredible mercy and then to pass it on to the next generation!

Dustin Jett