Do Not Break Faith

At the beginning of a new year, I think we all look forward to a fresh start. We all want to have a better and more productive year than we had last year.

In Malachi 2:16 it says, “So guard yourself in your spirit, and do not break faith.”

That’s an interesting verse. The first part is pretty easy to understand. We all need to guard our spirits. But “do not break faith”? That’s a little bit harder. I looked up the definition of the word “break” and it literally means to “shatter violently, rupture, crack, interrupt, destroy the continuity of.”

That puts this verse in a new perspective. I want my faith to be strong, not shattered or destroyed. I don’t even want there to be a crack in what I believe in!

As we are at the beginning of a new year, let’s guard our spirits. And let’s determine to stand stronger in the faith we believe in; even more than we ever have before.

We will all face challenges this year, but our faith is secure in the One who will never fail us!

Dustin Jett