The Significance of a Shepherd

Have you ever felt like what you do may not be significant?

You look around and see people doing really incredible things and your “role in life” just pales in comparison.

I wonder if the shepherds in the Bible ever felt that way.  I mean after all, watching over a bunch of sheep – just how significant can that be?

Let’s take a look at some of these shepherds. First, let’s look at Amos.  In the first chapter of Amos it says, “all day long he sat on the hillsides watching the sheep, keeping them from straying.” Doesn’t sound too exciting, does it?

But in verse 2, it says that one day God gave him a vision.  Now that changes everything when God steps in
and gives you a vision!

Then think about David.  Remember, he wasn’t always a king.  There was a time when he, too, sat on the hills watching over his father’s sheep.  But he used his time to write many of the Psalms we read and sing today.

And don’t forget about the most famous shepherds of all – the ones who were watching over their sheep the night Jesus was born!  Apparently, God thought they were important enough to send a host of angels to them to announce the Savior’s birth!  They were the first to see the newborn King!

So the next time you feel a little “less than,” remember God gave Amos a vision, David the Psalms, and those famous shepherds the first audience with the King of Kings!

When you see a Broadway musical, there are always extras – the people who don’t have a speaking part.  They are just there in the crowd.

But with God, every part is significant.  You are not just a person in the crowd. Everyone has a place of divine importance, especially those shepherds.

Dustin Jett