Planning for a Miracle
In 2 Kings 4:1-7 there’s a wonderful story about a widow lady and her two sons. She is obviously in debt and someone is coming to take her two sons to pay for her debts.
Elisha asked her, “What can I do?” and “What do you have in your house?” Her reply was “I have a little oil.”
“Here’s what you do,” said Elisha. “Go up and down the street and borrow jugs and bowls from all your neighbors. And, not just a few – all you can get. Then come home and lock the door behind you, you and your sons. Pour oil into each container, and when each is full, set it aside.”
She did what he told her to do. As the sons brought in containers, she began to fill them with oil. When they were all full, the oil ran out. She sold the oil, paid her debts and lived on the rest.
There’s some really important principles here. First of all, she obeyed what the man of God told her to do. She didn’t question it. She had more containers than oil and she knew it but she obeyed anyway.
The second principle is that God’s provision is always enough. In fact, it is more than enough – enough for
them to live on after paying off her debts.
And the third one is that her faith caused her to “plan” for her blessing, knowing it would take a miracle. She knew the God of Elisha was more than able to perform a miracle for her family.
The question is, what miracle do you need to plan for today? What step of faith can you take “to plan for
your miracle?”