The 23rd Psalm
After my parents passed away, I brought home with me some of the notes and scriptures they wrote down and sometimes put in their Bibles.
I ran across this one the other day and it really spoke to me. It may have been from a sermon my dad heard or it may have been his own thoughts. I’m not really sure because I know he spent a lot of time in God’s Word.
This is what he wrote about Psalm 23:
Wants (Needs)
I read this chapter in five translations, and he was right! The Lord is our loving shepherd and he provides our needs (and wants many times).
In verse 2, it says He leads us beside still waters. Verse 3 says, “He restores my soul.” Sometimes we need a leader and sometimes we just need to be restored.
When we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we can be confident that He will be our companion. And who doesn’t want a caterer? But my favorite is probably that He anoints my head with oil and our cup runs over!