I have been reflecting on some of the incredible women in my life! This is by no means a complete list, but just some of the incredible women who have spoken into my life.
First of all, I think of my little German grandmother who came to America with my grandfather after World War I. Imagine leaving your native country and family to begin a life in a totally new world!
I think of my other grandmother who saved enough money out of their meager earnings to pay cash for the land their home was built on. She was a lady who had a prayer life like no one else I have ever known.
I think of my own mother who had such a knowledge of God’s Word. Many times, I hear a scripture quoted and can still hear her quoting that same verse!
I think of my three incredible daughters. Christi is so gifted in the area of counseling! I’m not sure she even realizes it but she has spoken words of wisdom into my life on so many different occasions. I am so grateful!
Then there is Jamie. Courage and strength come to my mind when I think of her! How many people move to Washington D.C. not knowing a single soul after graduating from college? She has shown courage and strength so many times in her life. And, she makes it look so easy! (And, did I mention that she jumped out of a plane to celebrate her 18th birthday? Maybe we won’t even talk about that one!)
And Tiffany? She never meets a stranger! She lights up a room when she walks into it and spreads joy everywhere she goes. She radiates the love of Jesus. She amazes me!
My daughter-in-law, Becca, is a picture of persistent faith! She stood in faith for her marriage that God has totally restored. I am proud of you, Becca!
Last but not least, there is my beautiful granddaughter, Bailey. At 14, she is preparing for her second mission’s trip. She is already leading people to Jesus! Bailey, I want to be like you!
I just want to say to all of these beautiful women, “Thank you for speaking into my life. My life is richer because of you!”