What Kind of a Child are You?
I think it is so interesting to watch children as you walk through a store. Basically, you can put them in three categories. The first is the one who is all over the place. If you are heading down the cereal aisle, they are picking up boxes and asking for this one or that one, probably the one with the most colorful box. And don’t even get started down the toy aisle.
The next child is the one who walks obediently by their parent, not causing any trouble, but just kind of “there.”
And then there’s the third child. That’s the one who stays close to the parent. Maybe they are reaching out and holding their hand. They just want to be close to the parent whom they love and adore.
You probably already see where I am going with this. God is our Heavenly Father, but sometimes it is so easy to become distracted with everything that is going on in our world. There are times where we stay close to Him and walk in obedience.
But, what He really wants from us is to be that child who really desires that special relationship with Himthe relationship that makes us long to be close to Him, to worship Him, and truly adore Him.
My prayer today is that I become the child who doesn’t get distracted by the things of this world. And yes, I want to walk in obedience, but more than that I want a relationship where I stay close to His side.
I want my life to be filled with adoration, praise, and worship for my Heavenly Father! That’s what He wants from His children. And that’s the child I long to be!