Leaving a Different Way
I have been reading the Book of Ezekiel recently, and I will confess there are some parts of it I don’t completely understand.
In chapters 45 and 46 it talks about people bringing their sacrifices during religious feasts. God was very specific about how they were to do this.
But what really captured my attention, was verses 8 and 9 in chapter 46. In those two verses God gave them the instructions that they were to never go out the same way they came in but must use the opposite passageway.
I’m not sure why God gave this instruction, but it made me stop and think. When I come into God’s presence, how do I leave? The reality is, I may come into church and leave by the same door. But when I leave His presence, how do I leave?
My hope and prayer are that when I leave after being in His presence, I will leave changed, better, ready to get back in the battle. And being in the presence of God can be anywhere. It can be in the church, at home, or in your car. The important thing is that we set aside time and spend it with Him.
Let's make it our goal to leave different than when we came in! When we invest time with the Father, we guarantee that we will become more like Him.