Staying Connected
Do you remember the old “Jack-in-The-Box” music toy? You would turn the handle and it would play music. Then at a random moment, the top would open and a clown would pop out.
I was thinking about this recently and it made me think how easy it is to get a “wrong attitude.” It seems like we are going along in our Christian walk and out of nowhere – there it is: that attitude that is just not right. I think if we’re honest, we all struggle with an attitude that just “pops up” from time to time.
How do we as believers overcome those times in our lives? Eddy recently preached a sermon on “staying connected” to Jesus. The author, Lisa Terkeurst, said, “We don’t have to have all the answers, we just have to stay connected to the One who does.”
When I think of men in the Bible who lived such victorious lives, there is one who really stands out in my mind as someone “who stayed connected” to God. That would be King David. But it was really when he was a shepherd boy out watching the sheep, that he developed such a close relationship with God. It seemed like David just communed with Him.
Over and over, the Psalms revealed how closely David was connected to God. The Bible says David was a man “after God’s own heart.” I think David probably sang and played his harp in praise to God.
Worship is one of the best ways to stay connected to God, our Father. You may not feel like you have a voice to sing, but I assure you, your Heavenly Father would love to hear you worship Him in songs of praise!
So, I encourage you to sing loud and worship Him! It’s a great way to stay connected and “overcome those attitudes!”