How Much Does God Love Us?

Have you ever made the statement, “I love that person enough to go to Heaven, but I don’t really like them”? Be honest! Have you ever thought that or felt that way?

In our humanness, it is quite possible we have had those moments. And if we aren’t careful, that can spill over into our thoughts and we can begin to wonder, “How much does God really love me?”—especially in light of the difficult season we find ourselves in right now!

Sometimes, we may feel a distance from God. It may be because of our sin or our neglecting to spend time with Him. David was a man after God’s own heart and yet because of his sin, there was a distance between David and God. But as soon as he repented, there was forgiveness.

You see, God’s love for us never changes! Not ever! Not for one moment! In Jeremiah 31:3 it says, “I have loved you with an everlasting love.”

The next time you feel that distance from God that we all feel from time to time, remember this: God doesn’t just like you! He loves you! He really, really does! And His love is not dependent on what is going on in the world! His love is everlasting!

Dustin Jett