The Power of a Father’s

So many times the enemy tries to separate us from the love of our Heavenly Father.

The main thing he tries is to get us to feel that God doesn’t really care about us and that He doesn’t even listen when we cry out to Him.

I was thinking recently about when our middle daughter, Jamie, was a little girl and she was playing out in the backyard. Wasps had built a nest at the top of the swing set and stung her. She came in hurt and crying.

And then it happened! Her dad went into action. Armed with his can of Raid insect spray, her daddy was ready to do battle for her! (I am not sure I have seen Eddy Brewer that mad before or since that time!) This was his little girl and he was not going to stand by and let that go!

If an earthly father can go to battle that quickly for his child, how much more will our heavily father go to battle for us?

There probably isn’t a more comforting Psalm than Psalm 91. I love every verse in that chapter, but if I had to just choose two, it would be these…

Vs. 15 – He will call upon Me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him.

Vs. 16 – With a long life I will satisfy him. And let him behold My salvation.

The next time you feel like the enemy has “stung” you, remember your Heavenly Father is going into action! He is your defender! He is at work protecting and caring for you, his precious child!

Dustin Jett