Navy Or Black?
I wonder if I am the only one who has trouble telling the difference between navy and black?
We were recently on a trip and I thought I was wearing a black top and black pants. At the airport, to my horror, I looked down and realized those pants were navy blue! Since we were about to board a plane, it was an “Oh, well” moment! Not much I could do about it at that point.
After that, I asked a saleslady at a store if something was black or navy. She shared her secret with me. She said to hold the object up against something blue, and you will be able to tell right away. And she was absolutely right! Navy will pick up the blue! And black will look even blacker. It works every time!
I was thinking how much this is like our Christian lives. So many times we try to figure things out on our own, especially when we are trying to make decisions and determine God’s will in our lives.
The best thing to do is, see if what we are doing lines up with the Word of God. If we search the Scriptures and cover our situation with prayer, we will be able to discern what we need to do.
Psalm 119:105 says, “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light to my path.” God will always help us make the right choice! He doesn’t keep us guessing. He will make it clear to us!