Staying Connected to the Source

Recently, I had to buy a new hairdryer. I just didn’t think the old one was going to make it much longer. I would plug it in, hit the reset button, and sometimes it would work and sometimes it didn’t. It just seemed like somehow it was not making and keeping the connection to the electricity.

It was a reminder to me of how important it is for me to “stay connected” to my source of power. I need to stay close to my Heavenly Father daily. When we make a point of doing that, we have the assurance that God will continue to lead us.

I don’t know about you, but I like a definite plan! I don’t want to know just about today or tomorrow, but I really would like my plans to be laid out for at least a year in advance. And then I am reminded of how God led the children of Israel – pillar of fire by night and a cloud by day, one step at a time.

It seems like most of the time God does not reveal His plan to us way out into the future, but more often step by step, one day at a time. I think He does that so we will be more reliant on Him.

When Jesus taught His disciples to pray in Matthew 6:11, He said, “Give us THIS day our daily bread.” We can be assured that He will provide and take care of us as we trust Him and stay connected to Him, one day at a time.

Dustin Jett