The Lord Will Fight for You!

In Exodus 14:13-14 it says, “But Moses said to the people. ‘Do not fear! Stand by and see the salvation of the Lord which He will accomplish for you today…The Lord will fight for you while you keep silent.’”

Wow! What an incredible Word from God through Moses to the people of Israel. There should have been great rejoicing. They were leaving Egypt behind. They were exchanging bondage for freedom. They would no longer be slaves.

You would think they would have been thrilled, right? But the problem was that the Egyptians were behind them and the Red Sea was in front of them. So right then, a life of slavery was looking pretty good because it looked like now they were doomed to certain death.

BUT then God speaks this Word to Moses! Some translations read like this, “Fear not. Stand still. See God’s salvation today.”

This is my interpretation: “Don’t be afraid. Be in an upright position, motionless, tranquil and silent and you will observe the Almighty’s deliverance this present day!”

I don’t know what your “Red Sea” looks like, but God’s Word still stands true. He will bring deliverance to you! Right now! Today! Trust Him! Help is on the way!

Dustin Jett