Chip on the Shoulder
I was recently in Walgreen’s buying ice cream, of all things. (They carry Blue Bell ice cream and it’s my favorite!) The cashier told me it was ringing up for .76 cents. She said a girl earlier in the day had bought five cartons for less than $5.00.
I thought that was a pretty good deal but I knew it couldn’t be right. She checked the price and it was wrong. She changed it on my receipt, even though she had originally discounted it.
I actually left the store feeling kind of cheated. To be honest, it really bothered me. I felt like the error was in my favor and she should have corrected it going forward. I’m not going to lie. I left there with a pretty big chip on my shoulder.
But the more I thought about it, the more I realized how silly it was to feel that way. How many heroes of our faith in the Bible had the opportunity to feel “cheated”?
Moses could have felt cheated because he was taken from his mother and raised by the Egyptians when he was a baby. Abraham could have felt cheated when his nephew, Lot, chose the better land for himself and Abraham had to move his family to a different place. Joseph certainly could have felt cheated when he was sold into slavery by his own brothers.
So here’s the point. Do I really want to go through life with a chip on my shoulder over something as trivial as ice cream? How many times do we allow ourselves to complain about things that are really not that important? The good thing is that I can afford to pay for the ice cream. The great thing is that Blue Bell is really amazing!